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john marshall bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "john marshall"
  • john:    king john; john the evangelist; lavatory; st.
  • marshall:    george catlett marshall; george marshall; e. g.
  • john marshall (arkeolog):    john marshall (archaeologist)
  • john marshall (peneroka):    john marshall (royal navy officer)
  • marshall:    george catlett marshall; george marshall; e. g. marshall; marshallese; marshall; john marshall
  • john:    king john; john the evangelist; lavatory; st. john the apostle; toilet; john lackland; john; bathroom; can; privy; saint john the apostle; john the divine; lav; saint john; st. john
  • bahasa marshall:    marshallese language
  • beasiswa marshall:    marshall scholarship
  • colin marshall:    colin marshall (footballer, born 1984)
  • george marshall:    george catlett marshall; george marshall; marshall
  • kepulauan marshall:    marshall islands; the marshall islands; republic of the marshall islands
  • marshall islands:    republic of the marshall islands; marshall islands
  • marshall nirenberg:    marshall warren nirenberg
  • marshall plan:    european recovery program; marshall plan
  • marshall teague:    marshall teague (racing driver)
  • The name Marsh was in honor of John Marsh.
    Nama Marshall diambil dari John Marshall.
  • John Marshall, from the security department San Francisco airport told
    John Marshall, dari departemen keamanan bandara San Francisco berpesan
  • However he met his match in John Marshall, a Federalist from Virginia.
    Pesaing utama Jefferson adalah John Marshall, seorang Federalis dari Virginia.
  • John Marshall says 'howdy'.
    John Marshall mengatakan 'howdy'.
  • 1801 – John Marshall is sworn in as Chief Justice of the United States.
    1801 - John Marshall diambil sumpahnya sebagai Ketua Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat.
  • According to Sir John Marshall, this seems to confirm that Kharoshthi was later developed from Aramaic.
    Menurut arkeolog Sir John Marshall, hal ini membuktikan bahwa aksara Kharosthi dikembangkan dari aksara Aram.
  • The footage was shot by John Marshall during a Smithsonian-Harvard Peabody sponsored expedition in 1952–53.
    Rekaman tersebut diambil oleh John Marshall saat sebuah ekspedisi yang disponsori Smithsonian-Harvard Peabody pada tahun 1952–53.
  • Marshall's Mill was part of a complex begun in 1791–92 by English industrial pioneer John Marshall.
    Marshall's Mill merupakan bagian dari sebuah kompleks yang mulai dibangun pada tahun 1791-92 oleh pelopor industri inggris John Marshall.
  • Between 1912 and 1919 the structures were restored to their present condition under the supervision of Sir John Marshall.
    Antara tahun 1912 dan 1919 bangunan dipugar ke kondisi seperti sekarang di bawah pengawasan Sir John Marshall.
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